We are the teachers in your neighborhood schools. The mechanic around the corner. The checkout clerk at your favorite ice cream shop. That really helpful lady you look for at the bank.
We're volunteering together, building friendships, and creating a sense of safety and belonging in our community for every body.
Together, we are shaping a better future for all.
Join us in supporting candidates who believe children should have the freedom to read and get an accurate education. Women should have the freedom to determine what happens to their own bodies. Teachers should have the freedom to teach accurate history. Workers should have the freedom to bargain for wages that keep up with inflation.
Protect our freedoms

Help shape a community where every body can belong
MAGA Republicans want you to believe you're alone—a blue dot floating in a sea of red. In fact, you are surrounded by like-minded neighbors.
The explosive growth of the Southeast Valley is transforming little blue dots into a river of blue that's transforming our community.

We do not have a government by the majority. We have a government by the majority who participate.
Thomas Jefferson
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